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barra store front

Mouthwatering Tacos and Cocktails in Amherst, OH

Located in downtown Amherst at the 5-points connection, Barra Tacos & Cocktails offers a delectable modern take on Mexican cuisine through excellent tacos and cocktails. We have over 30 years of experience serving our customers with mouthwatering drinks and menus designed to satiate every palate. Your meals are provided by the top chefs, whose talent and dedication to fine taste are unmatched in the area. We’re passionate about offering our customers cuisine and signature drinks packed with exciting, zesty flavors. You can indulge yourself in our staple dishes or try a brand-new flavor-filled dish featured in our daily specials. Our customers love us for our mix of industrial and rustic décor, which provides a terrific ambiance that’s enjoyed by countless diners. For excellent taste and an exhilarating menu, we’re the perfect choice for your tastebuds.

corn flavor roll

A Thoroughly Modern Mexican Menu

We use only the freshest, finest ingredients for our one-of-a-kind menu. Our excellent selection of beef, chicken, pork, and seafood is slow roasted for hours to perfection with signature seasonings that bring out the wonderful flavor in every bite. We make our salsas, sauces, and other condiments entirely from scratch, ensuring freshness that compliments and enhances your meal throughout your dining experience. The corn used for our salsas is shucked right from the cob in our kitchen, which preserves the quality and taste of your cuisine of choice. We’re the top modern Mexican restaurant for delicious flavors and sensations.

drink with the dinner menu

A Superb, Hand-Crafted Drink Menu

Our bar specializes in exciting mixed drinks that provide satisfaction for your tastes. We offer a wide selection of liquor, including many tequilas, that will suit your preferences and offer excitement in every sip. Our professional bartenders are skilled at serving crisp margaritas, hand-crafted cocktails, and other enticing beverages that will keep you coming back for more. We’re the best place in town for delicious, delightful, modern Mexican drinks that harken back to the past while forging new flavors. We’re here to provide you with a unique drinking experience that will inspire your tastes.

We’re Hiring

We’re currently searching for talented chefs, bartenders, and other staff members with a passion for serving customers with quality cuisine and drinks. Whether you specialize in prepping incredible meals or mixing delicious beverages, we’re interested in what you have to offer and want to hear from you. If you think you might be a fit for our restaurant, look at our open positions on our employment page. We can’t wait to meet you.

Barra Amherst


105 Park Avenue
Amherst, OH 44001


Hours of Operation

Sunday – Thursday: 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday – Saturday: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM


105 Park Ave, Amherst, OH 44001, USA

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